Eagle Summit Equity

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Connecting with Real Estate Investments

What is Commercial Real Estate

What is Commercial Real Estate? Commercial real estate is property used mainly for business...

Questions you should be asking a real estate investor

Knowing What To Ask Before investing your money in a real estate project, like an apartment...

How to invest in an apartment multifamily syndication as a beginner

Investing 101: How to take advantage of Beginner’s Luck in Investing Investing in multifamily...

How do you set Passive Investing Goals in real estate investing

How to Plan for Passive Real Estate Investments If you want to invest in Real Estate without doing a...

Top 10 Reasons Why Multifamily Real Estate Investing

TOP 10 REASONS TO INVEST IN MULTIFAMILY REAL ESTATE (4-minute read) Believe it or not, building...

 REITs and Multifamily Apartment Syndications

Ways to Invest in Real Estate: REIT vs MAS Let’s talk about two ways you can invest in real...

How do you Grow Wealth through Multifamily Investing

Steps to Successful Multifamily Investing Investing in many properties requires a certain approach...

What is an Accredited and Sophisticated Investor in Multifamily Apartment Syndication

Do YOU Qualify as an Investor? In the syndication of multiple apartments, there are two types of...

Benefits of Self-Directed Retirement Accounts

First of all, what IS a Self-Directed Retirement Account (versus a Traditional Retirement Account)?...

What is active vs passive investing in real estate investing

The Skinny on Active and Passive Real Estate Investing (in less than 3 minutes!) When it comes to...

What Is A Multifamily Apartment Syndication?

Multifamily Apartment Syndication: That's a mouthful, isn't it?  I may as well be speaking an alien...